Thursday, April 30, 2009

Check, Check 1,2,3.... is this thing on.....

Welcome to my blog. As much as I hate the word, I've been berated to keep track of my adventures and journeys from here to my new home in Europe. I'm happy to oblige because I think it will be fun and add to my own experience and keep my in touch with all my faithful fans back home. So, off we gooooooo.....

This is actually Day 4 of my life on the road. I strapped all my earthly belongings to my trusty steed, which all fit in a large duffle and a backpack, and set off. The goodbyes over the past week were torturous at best, but as Justin has reminded me consistently, it is all part of the journey and the adventure. That does not make it any less hard though. I've had an awesome couple years in Arizona, making friends, losing found friends, highs, lows, laughs, cries, and a few lost nites on Mill or Old Town. But I had nothing left to do in AZ but to say goodbye.

The trusty steed loaded and ready to rock.

I've left the comforts of AZ and traversed thru the Sonoran Desert to the Land of the Setting Sun and the aspiring waitress: Los Angeles. The trip was a bitch to say the least. (Am I allowed to curse, is this like TV?) I don't know how I manage to do it but, everytime I decide to ride my motorcylce it seems to be the windyest day in recent history. Wind gust topped out at about 25-30mph on the I-10 surrounding Banning, CA. Some of you may know this area as the place where the big dinosaurs are on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere (Also, featured in the Oscar Nominated Movie "The Wizard", and for those of you that know that, you are huge nerds.). But, more notable than the dinosaurs, are the windmills.

I truly believe that our Energy Engineers are really smart and talented. I don't think I've seen better placed effing windmills. I know this because once I pulled up to them, the wind turns from 'terrible' (Charles Barkley voice) to unbearable. For a stretch of 20miles every muscle in my body was used to keep my rolling nomad of a bike upright. The wind goes right thru you and pushes you constantly the way it wants you to go. Semis rolling next to you at 70mph increase the wind gusts by slicing the wind waves right into your face. After about 15mins of fighting the wind by myself, I relegated myself behind an old truck doing about 55mph and nestled myself right behind him to reduce my wind draft. I still had the south wind blowing me to the right but it was better than fighting the full force of wind on my own. I love riding my bike and I still think its the best way to roll around California for the next month, but I don't think I expected the ride across the desert to be so rough. I made it through and now I'm in Cali. (Cue "OC" theme song)

The first two days I spent with my Vasquez family in Corona, CA. They are always so welcoming and open their arms instantly when you arrive. I've come on several occasion with no notice whatsoever (which is kinda rude on my part) and they have welcomed me and put me up and filled my belly with the most amazing Mexican food in So. Cal. There is never a bad meal at Miguel's. This time around I received lots of good advice and life stories that I will draw upon in the next couple months. My Aunt Maria is the sweetest little lady who will drop anything she is doing to help you or cook you an awesome meal. I always love hearing her laugh and tell stories. Additionally, I got to spend an evening with my Cousin Mike and his wonderful family. His kids are so polite, funny, and energized. All of them full of life in their own way. His wife Gaby made a great meal and treated me like royalty, even though she was tending to a 2month old newborn. She also turned me on to this site, so you can thank her for that later. It was tons of fun to spend time getting to know family I otherwise would have missed out on. That's what this whole farewell tour of California is about.

Me holding baby Luke, 2 months, Brianna 12, Michael 10, Lauren 6,
and Emma 4. If you can't tell, she has so much energy, she puts
fireworks to shame.

I am now in Santa Monica, CA visiting one of my best good friends Kevin M. Had a good meal last nite and looking forward for a couple days of scandals and animals, as is common when me and Kevin get together. If you're in the area, let me know... I'm down like an insane clown right now.


"Live as if you'll die tomorrow, Learn as if you'll live forever." -Ghandi