Monday, August 29, 2011

So I missed a year or so...

OK, so it may have been a while since writing... most may think that I have forgot how.  But that is not true and as I promised, I am in the process of revamping this site to keep you all informed of the fun and fancy free-good times..

And, if it's your first time, there is plenty to catch up on... You know, the whole Spain stuff...  You can go read old post for all that good stuff.
If you're back for more fun and adventure.. I'm glad you made it back!... I have a lot to catch you up on.

So, I guess a good start would be when the Andrecito was born...........
It was a dark, stormy, night.  The windows were being battered by torential downpour and lightning filled the skies every second.
All of that really happened except the rain, storm, and lightning.
But it was nightime.  And Sara was very, very much preggers, and by all the signals I could read, very much ready for the little bugger to make his brief exit.  A that would happen.  But it would not be brief. 

Once the Sara had the feelings and the contractions started going... we headed out to St. Joseph's hospital on the banks of the Missouri River.  Estimated time we arrived: 11ish pm March 31st

In the end... who is the fool really...
We get settled into the maternity ward and start getting excited.  Any hour now, we could be brand new proud parents! What's not to be excited for, even if neither of us had a car, savings, or a job to support our new frijolito.  We had each other, friends, and family.  The rest could wait.  And wait we did.  At about 12am April 1st I even had the foolish insight to write a welcome to our new bubba on a white-board in the delivery room: Welcome April Fool's Baby!

We stay up through the night, phone calls have been made to out of town family, everyone's getting excited!  We wait.
Morning comes and goes.  We play rummy and various other card games to distract Sara from discomfort and hunger as she's not allowed to eat.  Bubba's still not ready to come out.
We wait.
By late morning I succomb to my sleepiness and of course I get made fun of and pictures are taken.
We wait.
Evening comes and the contractions are getting further apart, causing some concern on a family already burdened by weariness.
We wait.
By nightime, April 1st, next step decisions must be made as we want to avoid C-section if at all possible.  We discuss with the doc and drugs are given to help along the process!
We wait.
Now, action starts happen! Contractions are going full steam! Nurses are making there moves now! It's rolling now!  Where hours dragged on before, seconds are flying by now!  Hand squeezing and yells between doctor and birthmom are constant!
Time of Arrival: 12:18am, April 2nd 2010......
April Fool's Baby....
Coulda fooled me.

So we have a prime and healthy baby frijolito and he's rumblin and tumblin all over now.
And more stories will come as I continue to update and re-vamp my Blog. 
And now, a shameless plug for my upcoming BikeRide for BikeMS.
And today's special delivery! Frijolitos!

I'm in the midst of training and getting my stamina up in order to complete 115 miles over two days!
Thats right 115 miles!  On a bike! 
and Donate!  Tell your friends and family!
A great cause to help fight MS.  Thank you so much and come back for more stories and adventures!


"Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station. "

-Robbie Coltrane