Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Careful what you wish for...

So it has been 10 days since we last spoke and much has occurred... It seems I start every post this way, and that's the way it will stay. Until I learn how to post regularly, that is...

A few days of a little class and a lot of relaxation pass without much excitement. I attended an intercambio (English/Spanish talking exchange, for practice) in which I met tons of new Spanish friends and went out for some drinks afterward. Topics such as music, sports, and cultural differences of ten arise. A couple days in the park, watching people, birds, and fishies do their thang. Making a trip over to 'El Tigre' for some awesome beer and even better tapas. (They're always better when they're free) The Canterbury Crew (the name I just gave to me and all my classmates) put together a 'House Crawl' in which a few houses are assigned a drink to host for an hour or so and the whole party jumps from house to house throughout the night and all across Madrid. Many games of 'LCR' ensued... So like I said, uneventful. (Oh yeah, and I broke my camera. Funeral services to be held on Friday...) But that was until everyone in Western Europe decided they needed a couch to stay on... So of course we let them stay.

The past two weeks, our flat (yes, that means apartment) has been crawling with internationals hailing from all across the globe. You have already read about Bridgette y Veronica couchsurfing in the best hostel in Madrid, and now adding to their ranks are the following:
  • Jill y Lissanne (Amsterdam,Netherlands)
  • Dave y Tim (Washington, USA)
  • Geoffrey y Friend (Sorry I don't remember his name, France)
  • Anna y Lena (Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada)
  • Tomas y Mark (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
  • Kasia, Sara, y Monica (Poland y UK)
  • Sara y Jeremy (Fellow Gauho Locos!!! California, USA)
Yes, thats 15 couch surfers in 2 weeks, not including the 4 flatmates, all in a 4 bedroom flat, with one bathroom.......

Suffice it to say, its been a little crazy around these parts in the last few weeks, hence the blog abscence. And its only polite to show the surfers around town every once in a while and make sure they enjoy their stay here in our humble Madrid town. (Cue 'What is Love' music) In addition, I was brought up that it is very rude to have houseguests and not have a suitable dinner... So about every third night there has been an American Style Barbque (Bakersfield Style!!) bringing together Burgers, Chicken, Pasta, Tortilla (Spanish Potatoe Egg Dish, not what your thinking), Salad, and drinks. The drinks were mainly Tinto de Verano (Wine and Lemon Soda) which aren't technically American, but they were served by the pitcher, so I think they still get an honorable mention. Many nites with full glasses and full bellies. The glasses eventually were emptied and the Kings cup was 'consumed'.

Two more of Mark's (my flatmate) friends are in town and another 4 couchsurfers are on the way... The wave of people just keeps coming... I would like to thank Katrina, my flatmate, for organizing and being the Hostel coordinator for the past two weeks and the weeks to come. She loves doing it and it is a lot of patient and hard work at times. She runs a tight hostel around here.

I only have two more days left in the flat until I take off for summer camp in Alcala de Hernanes for a month and a half, so I plan on enjoying them. Mark takes off for Japan soon and I will miss him immensely as he has been my guide here in Madrid and has shown me the ropes of this crazy town. Things have still not settled down completely and I am about to shake it all up again. Summer camps here we come.

So, now that you know I'm not joking around, why don't u schedule that flight out to Madrid and take me up on the offer. You better be comfortable with the hostel experience though... Its quite different than the 'W'....

"Live as if you'll die tomorrow, Learn as if you'll live forever." -Ghandi


Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

Because I am your madrecita, entiendo que all the bbq y cervezas r the play hard (and for the record you are tried and true to the WORK HARD)part of your life...pero in the final analysis it is my fervent prayer that u will greet each new day with enthusiasm and thankfulness to your creator for your safety and the safety and presence of all who will partake in your creative journey...blessings, MOMMEE

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Angelo!!
Here is Veronika - your first couchserfer together with Brigie! :)))
I am impressed!! So many people around that lovely flat in Madrid! coool! I hope they all have that fun that we had! I miss that crazy city so much and you all too!!!
I saw your camp photos - I totally imagine you playing football with all those small kids! :) I`m sure you have greaaaaaat fun!
I am still in Ireland, but leaving in 2 weeks to Greece and than straight home :) and than.. we`ll see..

I hope to see you again!! have fun and greet all the new couchserfers from me and Brigitte! :)
Many many hugs!!!!!!!!!!