Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Contact...

Much has happened since we last spoke, so lets not waste our breath.

Park right by the Royal Palace and 15min walk from my apartment. Notice how the fountain accents the sunbathers so perfectly.

Day 4
My arrival was not marked with any spectacle. The Barajas airport provides enough action that nothing exciting needs to happen to me, I was happy being an observer. Still dragging my imitation punching bag around, I am trying not to look like a big American tourist with a giant target on my back saying "Pick my Pocket". Fortunately nothing of the sort happened and I ambled on to the Metro. I didn't see much outdoor scenery on my underground trip into the city,but I was so intrigued by the Metro itself, I didn't need any. I had my directions to my hostel,and had studied them, but putting those directions into action in a busy airport is someting completely different. I arised from the Metro station expecting the Sun to be down as it is now 9:30 when I arrived, but to my surprised it was still early twilight. (not the book, Riggs stop screaming like a girl)

Pretty exhausted from last nite and with an early morning ahead of me I decided to call it an early and have a night in. Fortunately for me, there's a bar in my hostel. Cat's Hostel was highly recommended for its well managed facilities and high concetration of international youth all meeting at their bar. I met travelers from all parts of the world, most smoking their fags (cigarettes) and drinking their liters (yes served in liters and it is a quarter of the price of a pint in Ireland). Several aquaintances made quickly each giving their story of how they made it here, where they plan to go, and what crazy shenanigans have occured along their way. Like I said, I hung out with these travelers, had a beer, and called it a nite around two. The rest of the young global spelunkers headed out to the bars at 2 as per normal with this part of the world....

Day 5

Today was my orientation for Canterbury English, the english academy I will be taking courses from this month, in order to receive my TEFL certificate and start to generate some income to support my travels. Much information was given and many new friends made. About 9 students showed up in the morning and with quick introductions all around, I've made an instant 9 new friends in a foreign country, which is double Gabe has in his hometown. Two of them, Marcus and Caroline, are from Tempe and lived less than a mile from my house off Broadway. The chances of meeting in Madrid have to be up there with my catching swine flu. (Which is
about nil to 0 for all you hyperchrondriacs out there)

After the orientation, I headed out to go find a roof over my head. I had been emailing Mark, a canterbuty grad, and went out to check out the digs, and I am very glad I did. The apartment is nothing super special, but its big for Madrid (and a lot of other places) standards,it has two balconies, and is really international. The roommates consist of 1 italian, 1 german, 1 frenchman, and 1 american (Mark). We hung out for a little bit and I decided that this would be a great place, especially under such quick circumstances.

I headed back to my hostel where I my room full of Irishmen and women. We exchange stories and jokes and political views. My time with them only reaffirmed my belief that the Irish are some of the friendlies people on the planet. With that being said, everypeople have their flaws. In the middle of the night, with everyone asleep, one of Irish, snockered to all hell,fell face first out of the top bunk, proceeded to stand up, find the closes locker, and give it a golden shower. He came perilously close to peeing on the Irishgirl in the bottom bunk, but thankfully she snapped out of bed and took him to the head. Just another night of hostel living.
Que loco. This all happened in the dark at 5 in the morning.

Back to earlier...I had a beer with them, got ready, and
headed back to the city centre to meet up with my new found Canterbury friends.
Our group met at Sol,the tourist nigthlife center of Madrid, in front of the Bear and strawberry tree. (Apparently the most famous of spanish statues) We start tramping around Madrid led by Cat, a Madrid resident since January but new to the class. She new a few sweet spots including the underground Sangria bar 'Sesamo'. The smoke fills your lungs and clouds your eyes as you adventure underground to find people laughing, talking, singing, and of course drinking as they listen to the Spanish pianist throw out some classic spanish ditties (Ditties Ditties Ditties).
A little touristy, but I feel a bit like a tourist at this point, so it was good.

Three or four more bars with all my new friends and I call it a night. A great first night out in Madrid with brand new friends. The City at night is beautiful beyond compare and the people are non-stop. A great time was had by all, and sleep was needed... I head back to the hostel for some Irish escapades as mentioned before...

The first two nights have gone well, and additional post are on the way... My comp is still down hence the long waits between posts.

My friend Kara has already taken me up on my offer to come stay with me in Spain! She arrives in two days! And you too can enjoy what really matters in life... food, drink, friends, and siestas!!

You know where to find me...


"Nothing should be out of reach of hope. Life is hope."
-Oscar Wilde


Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

Life is as it should be...unfolding the winding path you create...its great to know you are happily embracing your, MOMMEE

Unknown said...

I wonder if spanish ditties are as good as Aunt Mary and Uncle John's version of Western Ditties!!!!!!!!!!! I bet not, but maybe close....