Sunday, June 14, 2009

Its my Madrid in a box...

Angel with Toledo forged sword standing watch in front of the Toledo fortress...

Day 12

Toledo... The biggest small medieval city within 45miles of Madrid...

My first weekend trip to somewhere out side of Madrid was quite splendid. Kara and I caught the bus out to this quaint tourist trap of 3euro water bottles and overpriced fake swords (S-words). At this point, I am still very much enjoying the touristy things that I am sure will lose their luster in months to come. We met up with some girls from my English course and we started tromping around the pueblo. The Toledo church/cathedral is beyond impressive (as with most churches I have seen here in Europe). The intricate artistry and stonework is so detailed, that it had to take several lifetimes to complete. As amazing as it was, I was not going to pay the 10euro to go past the foyer. But I would have paid a couple hundred euro if they let me go down into the Catacombs... Thats where all the magic happens.

Of course no trip would be complete without me going around the tourist town being louder than necessary, and acting like an octopus. (Soy Pulpo, Soy Pulpo)

After a couple can~as (small cups of beer), some grub, good laughs, and Bebhinn acting like a superheroe, it was time to head back to the homebase in Madrid. And great tourist days always lead into good drinking nites, everyone knows that.

Day 13

In addition to having Kara in towne, my roommates have made our couches available on For those of you that don't know couchsurfing, its a free website that connects empty couches with willing surfers. Basically, free rooms for people that don't mind sleeping on a couch. Its quite a cool site and my first experience with couch surfers was a good one. Bridgette and Veronica are internationals (Austrian & Latvia) visiting from Ireland where they work. They decided to pick up for the weekend and check out Madrid. It was great having them and its always cool to have more diversity and fun in the group when you go out... We hit a couple of good bars and showed them some cool parts of Madrid (not that they needed a guide, every part of Madrid is cool) Dancing with friends, Laughing at foolishness, and Rocking out to those American Classics (Ain't no Mountain High Enough was a personal favorite) was the theme for the evenings. Good times, and I hope to see more couch surfers in the near future...

Day 14

After a late night of dancing and singing... The couchsurfers and Kara coerced me out of my cocoon of a bed and herded me toward 'El Rastro'. El Rastro is the large swapmeet that congregates every Sunday in the barrio of La Latina. Hundreds of vendors and thousands of visitors (mainly tourist) gather to buy, sell, and trade things of percieved value. The surfers loved it, I'm assuming because the stopped at every earring stand. Kara and I had enough after about an hour and we moved on to El Parque Retiro. I wouldn't see the couchsurfers again after the flea market, which is interesting to think how people can come and go into your life. A quick two day sharing of life and then life moves on. What kind of impact can people have on your life in such a short time?.... Just a thought... We officially friends since facebook says so, and I will talk to them again, so there is no time for lamenting here, just ponderance.

The park was fabulous as always, and I took a much needed nap underneath the trees and clouds. I have started to make it a habit of keeping my awesome handmade pillow (thank you Beth) in my backpack so I can make sudden stops in the park for the much copied but never replicated, Spanish Siesta. Its so easy, yet so awesome. After some park time, people watching, and Circus performers, Kara and I headed to El Prado, Spains most notorious museum to get our 'art' on...

El Parque Retiro used to its full potential...

One could spend days going thru the Prado discovering every remarkable piece of art and reveling in the skill portrayed. But, since we showed up at 8, we just ran to all the important ones. I have always like Goya, but after seeing the massive canvasses up close and personal, he shot up the ranks of amazing artist in the Angeloco log of awesome artists. (Not that I'm an art major, but he's pretty fantastic) The use of dark colors and shadows is morbid and at the same time amazing/aweinspiring. All this artistry got us hungry, so the next stop of course would be a Tapas Festival....

We headed over to 'El Palacio de Deportes', which reminds me of America West Arena (Now U.S. Airways) , which was filled with about 40 different Tapas Vendores serving up Tapas from Normal to Exotic (Pig ears was the most exotic I got). We filled ourselves full of delicious flavors from all around Spain and rolled ourselves home. A long day to say the least and a good time had by all... More stories too come... Stay tuned my loyal followers, Angeloco is still rolling along thru Spain!!

And as always, the open hospitality offer stands. Just ask Bridgette and Veronica...



Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

to say that i am blessed is an understatement...this altruistic journey is a sure bet to becoming a phenomenon...hasta siempre, tu madrecita

Anonymous said...

Nice blog post Angelo!

We were rocking out the potato to those American Classics! Love your thinking about the impact of meeting people. I think everyone leaves a little impact on your life, especially those who you hang out with just a little amount of time.

Keep travelling and have fun with your future couchsurfers!
