Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yo Canto a Madrid....

I know its been a while. It has been difficult to update, but I am diligently trying to keep you informed...... and here we go...

Fountain in Plaza de Espana overlooking the playful Madrilenos...

Day 7

I have accomplished a lot since I have arrived in Madrid. I have found housing, I have found my bearings throughout the city, I have purchased my 'abono' which is my month long metro pass which has my picture on the front (It made me feel like a true Madrile~no, and yet i don't know how to put the tilde above the n), and I have taken naps in El Parque Retiro. The first class of Canterbury English went well, not everything I hoped for, but at the same time it is giving me lots of information that will be needed in weeks, months, and years to come...

Last nite, Mark, my new roommate took me out to discover all the different barrios of Madrid... Bars varying from Rock/Punkrock/Rockabilly with the tattooed societal rejects to the Corrida (Bullfighting) bar with the 50-60 year olds dancing the Flamenco at 2am, to the Flamenco bar, where no one was dancing the flamenco, but the walls were adorned with the guitars of the Flamenco greats. The variations found throught out the City Centre of Madrid puts any international city to shame... When I come across a city that can rival Madrid's culture, people, and pride, I will let you know. The beauty of the landscape, the culture, and the women (I couldn't leave them out) is breathtaking.... Lots of walking, and a lot of city to take in one night, but with a guide like Mark, the city is very manageable.

After class, I head toward Plaza de Espana to relax and take in the city. I enjoy watching the city dwellers enjoy their Monday afternoon. I don't feel the stress of a normal industrial city. I see people removing their shoes, rolling up their jeans, and tromping around in large fountains. I watch the adults play in the fountain like children, as the large statues oversee, guardians of the peace and facilitators of play. Again, I'm reminded that priorities lie in the right places in Madrid. People live to live, instead of live to work. Priorities that can be forgotten amidst the hustle and noise of large American cities. As much fun as I am having walking all throughout the city, my feet are taking a beating. Blisters that I have not had before start to pop up. Walking a minimum of 5 miles per day will do that I guess. Especially when the most walking I ve done before is from my truck to my office. Its amazing how much better you feel when you walk more than you sit in front of your computer. Everyone should enjoy a great Metro system, walk everywhere, and lose your car.....

Day 8

Another day of pleasant surprises. A day full of much needed classes and quick nap (siesta) and I'm prepared to face my evening. Madrilenos all know the need of a good afternoon nap. How else can you stay up till 3am every night? I meet up with my friend Cat right out Parque Retiro. We catch some drinks with some new found German and English friends at an Italian cafe, and then we head into the park. The moon has just risen as we stroll thru the well lit trees and gardens. The orchestra is playing classics that I don't know the name of, but yet it still fills everyone with tranquility, hope, and peace. That is when the fireworks start. A random tuesday nite and I find myself listening to the Madrid philharmonic accompanied by fireworks towering over the lake in Retiro Park. The explosions puncuate the drum beats and the 'rockets red glare' illuminate the faces of children and adults alike. Not much can top an orchestra concert and fireworks. I grab a few late nite drinks with my new German friends and I head back home. Just another Tuesday in Madrid.

Smoke filled air surrounding the horsemen in the middle of the Lake at Parque Retiro.

Day 9

Tonite I said goodbye to a good new friend, Daniel. He is a French national leaving Madrid to head on to Peru for more studies. I head over to his going away party which consisted of some awesome cake and some well mixed drinks. Lots of good bye hugs and kisses were bestowed upon him from all his Spanish friends. I will miss him especially because I was very comfortable speaking with him in Spanish (he knows at least 3 languages, like most internationals I meet here) He is one of the nicest people I have met along my travels thus far, and I can't wait to visit Paris in the very near future.

Michael, Daniel, y Nico.... at the end of the good bye party....

Day 10

My first visitor from the States has arrived. WKRP Madrid is in towne, broadcasting live!! Kara has put aside living the auditor dream for 3 weeks and has taken me up on my offer of room and tour guide in Madrid. After class on Friday I go pick her up from downtown and bring her to my esquisite apartment. Kara and I take a small stroll down my street, just so I can show her parts of Madrid that are not tourist central. We head back to my 'Palace on Extremadura' and we get ready for the night. We get ready and head out to a Canterbury English gathering of teachers and students for some jarras (pitchers) de sangria. A couple hours of schmoozing and jabbering and we head out with a group of 20 to some bars. We started with 20, but the walk to the next bar took us an hour, so we ended up with only 10 when we finally go there, but it was worth it. The club played a variety of 90-early 2000 pop along with several Spanish favorites. Everyone was reminded of there teenage years as 'Backstreet's Back Alright' Pulsed thru the speakers. I mean, i'm not Nick Carter Conisseur, but to see all the girls scream, laugh, cry when the BB came on was hilarious. And they just love dancing to that shit.... go figure. After hours of dancing, and drinks, Kara and I catch the niteline busses home. Thankfully they drop us off right in front of my doorstep, and the night comes to an easy close.

Kara and Angelo in Toledo... Story to come...

So, my time thus far has been good, and I look forward to more escapades. As always, if we are both in Spain, and you are outside, and feel like hanging out.... Just start yelling... I mean... thats what Kara did.......


"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
-Helen Keller


Anonymous said...

Hola Angelo :)

Just found out about your blog! I hope you have a good time in Spain! We already miss Madrid!!

Hugs & Kisses from Ireland.

Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

Hi, Mijo,
como siempre...your sharing is a refreshing reminder that humdrumming is unnecessary...gracias for animating your journey...mucho amor...MOMMEE