Saturday, July 4, 2009

Red Hot Spanish Summer...

Welcome back to the Angeloco Spanish Hour... Grab some popcorn...

¨Lo¨ entering one of the many workshops...

The tornado of a week has flown by leaving a warpath ingrained in my psyche of life at camp located in Alcala de Hernares.... La Esgaravita.. All the cliches are true... Everything from 'Ernest Goes to Camp' to 'Red Hot American Summer' can or has happened. Our oldest campers are about 14 years old so we don't get some of the craziest camp pranks available, but it is still non-stop coas- (choas in espanol)...

Yesterday all the campers got in a ton of trouble for taking all of their canteens and having a water fight all throughout the bunks... I found it quite entertaining, but the monitors did not... On top of being an English teacher at camp, I am also a semi-camp counselor helping to organize all the activities these 100 kids do... So yesterday we went to a pantano (small lake) for rowboating, archery, and wall climbing. A good and exhausting day all around.

Tons of camp games such as 'Angels & Demons' and 'Capture the Flag' are played often. Camp romances (twelve year olds holding hands) and rumours are prevalent. I am in charge of the bi-weekly sports outing to the community soccer fields where huge 'partidos' (matches) ensue and a quick dip in the pool afterward. And of course, the big 'buzon' (mailbox) where everyone can have their letters sent to their friends and read aloud to the whole camp... Good times.

The Americans showing the Spainards what a Slip ´n´Slide is...

My class consists of eleven 8-9 year old spanish children who are so fun and cool to hang out with... I've receive several drawings on the white board from the girls, and the boys like to bug the girls while they are doing it. I'm very happy with the group of kids I have to teach and hopefully some of the concepts and vocab sticks... But, I also understand I only have two weeks to teach something in an ever changing camp environment. At the end of the day, the kids are here to have fun during their summer, and keep their english levels consistent with constant usage in social situations... Its a blast.

I never went to summer camp, but now I'm catching up for lost time.... The food is very 'campy'.... As in mass produced... and just tasty enough to be called food.. Sometime the lunch ladies (They serve all meals, but its just easier to call them that) surprise you and know how to make a really good spanish dish in mass quantities. My fellow teachers and monitors are fun to hang around and we work well together... Sometimes you need to just hang out with a couple of people your own age and have a nice cold one after dealing with spanish brats all day... So its good to have them around...

Some of my best campers... throwing up the hangloose sign... since thats all i do all the time...

Fourth of July went off without a hitch... I brought a little piece of the red, white,and blue to camp... We had a true American BBQ complete with burgers, dogs, and Bud. A six pack of longnecks costs an arm and a leg but the nostalgia was worth it...

All is going well. Its hard not to be going well when my biggest responsiblity is to entertain 8-12 years olds in english... sometimes they bug.... but come on... its camp...

Kevin just booked his flight to Madrid... just another brave soul taking up my offer to enjoy the spanish lifestyle.... more to come

"We're not superstitious, We're Catholic" -Katrina explaining the difference between superstition and catholicism.....


Koji Tanaka said...

When you say "bi-weekly sports outing", do you mean you guys go out twice a week or once every two weeks? I got so confused at that point and had to stop reading.

Angelo A. Austin said...

bi-weekly, two a week, obviously... thats the only way....

Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

que aventuras... more than i could have're outdoing yourself if this is possible...and kevin...of ocurse he wouldn't miss this one...besitos, MOMMEE