Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloweens, Birthdays, Sausages, Football, and the occasional 1

What makes Halloween so interesting here in Spain is that it is a very new concept.  I'm assuming that Franco, Spain's former dictator, was not too keen on allowing the Pagan American tradition to invade his borders with his very strong Catholic views. I however have the privilege of working closely with children between ages 9-12 and it is very clear that they don't have the same grasp on the holiday as their American counterparts.  I of course gave them  pointers and hints on the process. A run down on why you take a pillowcase out with you to trick-or-treat and the best way to destroy your neighbors jack-o-laterns were key categories.  One refreshing thing about Halloween being so new and interesting to the Spanish is that they have not evolved (more like digressed) into seeing who can be the slutty-est or who can make the best interpretation of the last episode of SNL. Its terror, scary, and gory... the way it was meant to be... Give them 10 more years and I'm sure they will be finding the shortest skirts and the best dreadlock wig but for now, its nice to a good zombie walking around.  Which takes me back to the horse ranch at Alcala once again....

As I said in the previous post, my good friend Ivan was planning a Halloween bash and he is not one to disappoint.  I arrived with Alex and Dave to the ranch around 11pm surrounded by some good looking Ghouls 'n Ghosts in full gore and regalia. (yes, that game effing scared me really bad when I was 8 or whenever nintendo came out with it... it was the theme song...I'm sure my brother Phil remembers).  A couple drinks into the party an urgent Ivan comes up to me and asks me if I can don a zombie mask, head out into the graveyard and scare children...... "Claro"

The Chicken King, ZombieDave, and 400yearold death queen... you know, taken the metro.

What I don't know is how much effort was spent putting this Haunted Ranch Walk together. It started of with a "Ring" like scene with creepy girl climbing out the well clawing at you, thru to darkened horse stables where assylum twin girls awaited with high pitched moans, into the horse arena turned graveyard where I waited with pick, shovel, and Zombie faced , into a SAW V warehouse where the butcher was waiting with chain saw revving.  With Zombie-Michael Jackson as their tour guide, the ranch walk was a scary delight.  About half way thru the night, a real headless horseman screamed thru the camp, tromping so close to party goers to cover them with dust as he stampeded by.  All the chilling senses you want grazed and shocked during this one special night of the year were perfectly tingled and hacked.

After the terror came the party.  Drinks and dancing flowed like candy corn.  Zombie-Michael Jackson paid his tribute to his former self and all attendees: Spanish, Foreigner, Adult and Child alike had a night that they may or may not remember.  Two huge thumbs up to Ivan and his crew for throwing the Halloween Bash that most party connoisseurs (as myself) dream of.

A few days to recover from the Halloween bash and the crew here at El Gran Salon are back at it again.  After a month long hiatus from the CouchSurfing world, we threw open our doors once again hosted some more of the most wonderful internationals you can find.  In addition to a couple of Bulgarian surfers (they weren't Bulgarian, but Russian, but we didn't know that until we met them, so we just decided they were Bulgarian), we also had the privilege of having Alex's Dad, Ralph, take in the whirlwind known as the  couch surfing world.  And Ralph brat (brought) sausage!  Homemade German Sausage!  They really are doing something different.  Because it was magnanimous.  Sure having a BBQ in November is a little late in the season, but delicious none the less.

Fast-Forward:-->Liters-->Malasaña-->Tapas-->Teach Bulgarians how to Shotgun Beers-->Bulgarians Falling off hand rails in Plaza Dos de Mayo-->Injured Backs-->Jager-------->Scene.

Yet another couple days of recovery, a few English classes learned and we come upon THE David Guss' big B-day. But before we ensue into that night of thrills, spills, and automobiles.... we shall take a break.  Also in the next edition of Angeloco on the Road: my first European football match.... the crowd goes normal.


"Its the big button on every camera on the planet"
-Angeloco explaining how to function the whiteman's soul-catcher....

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