Saturday, November 28, 2009

Flat out like a lizard drinking....

Another birthday has come and past... Now we try to recollect what actually happened and possible find an explanation why our flat looks like it went thru a tornado with a B.A.C. of  .23....

El Palacio Real taken down the street from El Gran Salon...

To start the night Alex, Dave, and I head toward Madrid's center to take a walk, catch some great sites of our illustrious city, and grab some grub.  The autumn air was crisp and the people were out in full force.  Covered up and enjoying the increasing chill of the season.  I now realize how effing hot summer actually was here and how much I miss a nice cool breeze.  Walk by the Palace, stroll by the Arch at Principe Pio, and a tromp down Gran Via and we find ourselves in the city centre at Sol.  The city is bustling per usual on a Saturday night, each couple and group of friends with their own plans for an exciting fall evening.  At this point I realize how much I don't really know about the Spanish and their culture.

Principe Pio at night.

I've been here for six months now and still feel that around every corner I turn I see a completely different side of Spain and the mix of culture it provides.  From the ornery Spanish doorman who permits me entry into the apartment building he guards, against his better judgment, to the bright eyed South American toddler, probably Colombian maybe Venezuelan, who rides the metro fidgeting and leaning against his dad wondering how much longer this ride will be. Bright eyes and restless hands moving, flitting, without rest.

Walking thru the city, the sites call out to you and demand attention.  One must ignore their beauty and reverence if one wants to actually arrive to desired destination. We run a couple of errands, party prep, and grab a quick bday dinner and an overpriced and mediocre buffet.  What the restaurant lacks in quality, it makes up for in seconds, thirds, and fourths.  We leave the center, head back to the flat and await our birthday celebrants.

El Gran Salon fills quickly and liters empty even more so.  Approx. 25 friends from his school and around Madrid come to give him a Birthday shout out.  Italians make German jokes, Germans make American puns, and Aussies look like wombats...  Hours of palavering (read The Dark Tower) and the party wanes down.  We figured that Alex's absence a few hours into the party was caused by him receiving a special present from a lady friend.  We also realized that once everyone had left the party he was probably just passed the eff out.  We pounded on his door and received no reply.  Bird Law dictates that if one is busy with intimate agendas, one replies to a strong poundings on ones door.  (Watch "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") With no reply, we decide to invade to find him more than soundly sleeping.  Dave and I make a non-verbal decision and launch ourselves on top of him giving him a rude awakening and administering more alcohol as medicine.  He quickly regains his bearings and we continue his celebration.

With only 6 or so of us remaining, we break out the birthday cake and give him a proper 'Happy Birthday' with matchstick birthday candles and all.
Alex ready to slice his cake as well as party goers...

A good birthday for all of us here at El Gran Salon and we look toward Thursday for our next gathering for Thanksgiving. (Which has already happened as I write this, currently digesting that triptophan laced meat)  Updates on Turkey day to come.  November has been a non-stop month, but Madrid isn't such a good place for sleep anyway, FYI for any of you planning on visiting.  We will see you next time, loyal reader, with full bellies and surrounded by friends and family.  Be Thankful.


"Are you allowed to drink Absinthe with dinner?...."
"I didn't think there were rules here..."
-Lo & Wombat

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