Sunday, January 17, 2010


This is a post that has been a long time coming... as it is almost two months old... but you can insert a cliche here about procrastination... and that will make it all better....

 Alex checking to make sure beast is in fact dead...

Notwithstanding, according to most American surveyed state that, Thanksgiving is the crown jewel of American holidays (I don't know if this is proper use of 'Notwithstanding', but reread the sentence... it just seems to fit just right).  El Gran Salon is not a flat to let an opportunity such as this pass us by.  So we ate turkey....  What more do you want... a long drawn out tale of how:  1: Alex and I had to go find a 2nd turkey since the Spainard at the market downstairs gave some BS excuse at how he could not get another turkey... after he promised me the day before, not even 15 hours prior... that we were just fine.... or 2: how we spent two days cooking some of the most wonderful stuffing, succulent, constantly basted turkeys this side of the Canary Islands...or 3: how we spent the night relishing in our Americana, introducing the several non-americans to the ritual of engrossing ourselves in the richest and most flavorful food that we, as Americans have to offer.... yes we did all 3 and did them to such a degree that all patrons were not only surprised but overflowed with bounty...

Ravaged bounty.

All brought additions to the feast,  such as the tradition requires.  Mashy Mashed Potatoes, Cranned Cranberry Sauce, Breaded Bread, Greened Greeny Salad, Aptly Appled Pies, and Creamy Creamed Desserts...and None forgot their plate, and although 4ths were available, no one took the opportunity...

Bottled and Boxed wines flowed like wine and all were glad to take their fill... a Power Point presentation of how Thanksgiving began was showed by Alex and myself... in order to inform the non-Americans of how this tradition came to be....  But since the actual version of the story is boring and oxy-moronic, we decided to misinform our guests and entertain them all the same... details are lost somewhere  between the triptophan and the stuffing but the bottom line was that the turkey's are responsible for the mass Native American exodus on the North American continent... and not Expansionist America... hence it is the most hated of all winged creatures.... and it is the reason why we try to eradicate them every 4th week in November.... we have yet to succeed, but be damned if we don't give it our best shot every year!

Not to make this my soapbox, but I mean, much truth is made in jest....
So, Turkeyday came and went... Tummys full and warm... Sweet tooths just whetted for the even more lavish holidays of the upcoming season... people succumb to the Curse of the Turkey... by falling to sleep within 25 minutes of consuming the beast... dangerous on so many levels...  Many 1st Thanksgiving Dinners for international attendees and I believe 'El Gran Salon' pulled it off quite nicely... many thanks to all who attended and contributed their efforts to the great feast...

Another victim of the Turkey Curse

More posts to come... See you then!

"I love Thanksgiving turkey... it's the only time in Los Angeles that you see natural breasts."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

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