Friday, May 29, 2009

The Emerald Isle.

Day 1 of the European Chronicles

My days blurred together from San Francisco, CA to Dublin, IR. It was like all those times where you wanted time to go by faster because you couldn´t wait for your birthday or Christmas. But this time it actually happened. The day lasted only 12 hours for me. I feel like May 25, 2009 was wiped away from my mental record. A stop in Philadelphi, PA. A stop in Frankfurt, Germany and I finally arrive in Dublin. Now its May 26. I hop off the bus and I find myself in the middle of Dublin´s City Centre. Thinking I don´t have that far to go, I decide to lug my 50lb bag toward my hostel. Dragging a 50lb bag over 2 miles is no easy task unless you just graduated from Navy Seal BUDS. Taking in all the hustle around me I trudge along with my green beast of a bag, and thats when the delightful Irish Rains downpoured. There´s a reason its so green here. The sun never shines, and the rain can threaten you at any time. Its extemely beautiful and green in Dublin, I just wasn´t appreciating it on my long bagwalk. A little look around the hostel, Kinlay House, a small rest from travel, and I head out and about Dublin for a little walk around. A very clean city with wonderfuly friendly people and welcoming to all internationals. The reason: its expensive as all hell. A pint of Guiness (because its almost sacriledge to order anything else) can run you 6 euro (9 bucks). And you´re not even at a football game. I tramped around the Temple Bar District which is full of the international travelers and walked around the open air markets full of fruits and vegetables, and decided to head back in. Its 11pm by this time, and the jet lag just dominated me. I crammed 2 and a half days into one and a half days, and my body knew it.

Day 2 - Part 1

A good nite´s rest in the hostel, reminded me much of my old FT days in the dorms. A quick shower, a piece of toast, and I head back toward the City Centre for some fruit at the market. 5 serving a day right? I walk back to the west side of Dublin for some awesome touristing. A mile or so from the market and I find myself at the Guiness Storehouse, where all the magical Guinessing started. I took the tour because I think Kevin would kill me if I was in Dublin and didn´t appreciate all the Guiness I could. Although the tour is a bit touristy for my liking, it was quite informative, and at the end, you get the best Guiness of your life with a 360 view of Dublin at the Gravity Bar. After my rest at the Storehouse, I trekked toward the Northern side of Dublin to Phoenix Park, the largest city park in Europe. From Golden Gate to Phoenix. The green in Phoenix Park is overwhelming. The serene sense you receive is fantasy like. A white rabbit could have hopped out at any second to lead me on an even more crazy adventure. I looped back around the city and headed back to home camp. A long nite lay ahead due to the upcoming UEFA Cup...

Part 2

A quick nap and I´m awaken by my Aussie bunkmates, just in time for the UEFA cup to start. If they didn´t come bustling in I could have slept right thru it. I tagged along with them for a quick bite at Quizno´s (I know, such authentic Irish food) and a pint, which was the cheapest in all Ireland at 2.5 euros. If it had a tv, we would have stayed there to watch the game. Instead, we found a pub and sat for a few beers to watch Barcelona dominate Manchester United. We moved on soon after to a pub which proclaimed authentic Irish music, but really just played Hendrix and Led Zeplin. That didn´t put a damper on the fun. The Aussies have one of the coolest sense of humor and are extremely playful and jolly. Imagine a laid back California vibe with a sharp sense of British Humor. I can only imagine what they thought of me as I called out every girl and asking them "What part of the States are you from?". I shooting about 25%. We had a blast at the pubs, however expensive they were and headed back to the hostel. A great nite with my new Aussie Friends, Mark, Brent, and Annette (Its official since we´re facebook friends). Pictures to come once I get a computer up and running.

Day 3

I grabbed some Breakfast with the Aussies, gathered my gear up and left to the airport, Madrid bound. Another one of those Days that flies by due to travel. Fill you in more as I start my Spanish adventures.

As always, if you´re in Spain, and would like to ride a train on the plain when it rains, just grita "Angeloco, Angeloco, donde esta"... I´ll find you...


"No man is rich enough to buy back his past."
-Oscar Wilde

Sunday, May 24, 2009


I'm leaving in less than 6 hours. ThAnks to everyone who's helped me along the way. Stay tuned. I promise more updates very soon. Viva espana.

"Live as if you'll die tomorrow, Learn as if you'll live forever." -Ghandi

Graduation.... And off the continent...

Week of 20-26 (Graduation Week) & Day 27

(Sorry no pics, my computer is on the blink and I need to invest in a power converter)

Graduation week went by like a blur. Justin's long awaited Master's Degree conveyed to him through rigorous reading and tortuous writings is well deserved. I realized that someone with a master's degree is definately immersed in their discipline. There is no real way to fool your committee into accidently giving you a master's. Also, if you want to go into a deep conversation surrounding the public voice found by outlying public groups and how they use that voice to impact change in the public sphere, by all means, call Justin (559)2*7-65*9. Once the degree was officially his, the party officially commenced. A week full of celebrations surrounded by family and friends, as all life milestones should be.

After continuous commencement celebrations, it was time to head out of Fresno, CA and move on to San Francisco, CA just for the night. Justin & Beth sent me off in true style. (And with one of the coolest plane pillows ever, and it totally worked, i'd be even more dead without it right now, Thanks Beth) Walking around Union Square and hitting a couple shops for that last American sentiments. We grabbed some sushi with Jacob and Christa and then it was time to savor the last of the SF nitelife. The Gold Dust drinking hole is located just across the street from Union Square and it has boot kicking ditties playing all nite long. Koji along with his crew of crazy asian compratriots joined us along with Evan and Ed. Gather more than 4 gauchos in a room and tornado sirens start going off. Jameson and Guiness were the orders of the nite due to some friendly Irish we met, coincidence. We shut down/Eiki got booted out, at around 2. A few more good byes and it was off to the airport. Jacob dropped me off approx. at 4am and off to Dublin I went.

A 4 hour layover in Frankfurt,Germany turned into a 6 hour layover due to delays, which didn't help my headache from lack of good sleep and excess of firewater. Another quick jaunt over the channel and I find myself put up in Dublin, Ireland. Which is where I am talking to you today.

Tomorrow lies Guiness factory tours and various other Emerald Isle excursions.
If your on this side of the Channel and you want to see how the Mexi-American do it in Ireland...give me a call... I'll be around...

This concludes 'The California Chronicles'.


"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -Lao Tzu

P.S.: If you would like a cool post card, or something of that sort, email me your address and I'll see what I can do?!?!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I found my friends, in San Francisco....

RoNo standing in front San Luis Reservoir, located en route from the San Jose to Fresno via State Route 152, Pecheco Pass.  Grey skies and gusty winds accompanied me for the majority of my crossing from the Bay Area to the Central Valley.

The following is a recount of the past weekend, Thursday 14, 2009- Sunday 17, 2009. One to be remembered in infamy. Enjoy.

Day 17

A beautiful Thursday afternoon greeted my Mom, Gramma, and I as we ventured West to Monterey, CA for a great day at the beach. We took in the perfect sea breeze and truly enjoyed the vibrant and green beach which lines the Monterey Bay. After the best bowl of Clam Chowder west of Boston, MA we called it a day and headed back into San Jose, CA. I'm glad I got a California beach day in before jetting off as I will miss the Pacific a lot. I'll let you know how the Mediterranean treats me.

Day 18

A quick Caltrain ride, and I was my San Francisco weekend was underway. I arrived closed to union square to enjoy some of
the energized vibe from the hustling city. After spending about an hour taking in the sights and sounds of 'civilization' at its finest, I received a phone call from my friend Emily, more commonly known as Punk Rawk, to meet up at a bar in the SOMA district. We met on a street corner and take a small stroll into the bar, and step into a world stopped in time. Dozens of motorcycles circa 1940's and earlier hung from the ceiling and were attached to every inch of wall space. A two man piano/sax band were drumming up old time ditties which filled the air in backrooms and speakeasy's during the Prohibition giving Eddie Rickenbacker's a great cultural vibe which is so iconic of the City.

A few beers and we moved onto a free show at The Barrel House, that along with a great art studio/concert venue atmosphere, also gave out free beer (I know, it sounds like a small paradise). Koji, my 4 year Gaucho Roommate and Japanese liaison, graced us with a his presence and we jammed out to the experimental instrumental band offering up the free tunes. After taking advantage of the hospitality of the free venue, Emily, Koji, and I made a quick stop to the Mission District for some of the best burritos in San Francisco County. (And the best five finger discount nachos..) All together a great night of filled with music, arts, and good friends. Best of all, the entertainment was conducive to the budgeted traveler. Hoo Rah.

Day 19: Gauchos! Unite!

Every half year or so, a certain binding force brings together approx. 10-15 of my closest friends from my time at UCSB.  This was definitely an impromptu reunion, but several of us make it a priority and shifted schedules, and travel vast distances to come together and enjoy one another's company.  It is one of the best parts about being in my group of college friends and I would like to thank everyone who came out on short notice, and for those that couldn't make it, rest assured you were still laughed at and made fun of.

(Crocodile Hunter voice) Notice how the elusive Gaucho Loco is drawn to the bars with the widest variety of lagers and ales, and the cheapest tabs.  Pictured: EScud, Evander, Kojina, Druncle, Kuhnster, Kim's Mouth, Kim, Xtizzle, Nichizzle, Punk R., and MikeSux

The reunion culminated on the porch of the biker chic patio bar, 'Zeitgeist'.  The outdoor area was packed full of people searching for bench seats and table space.  At one point, every leather clad biker and hipster chic girl was staring at our group thanks to the screaming entrance made by Kim and Christina.  If the eardrum piercing screams didn't grab your ear's attention, Kim's red/pink cabbage-patch dress was loud enough to grab your eyes attention, and make them bleed.  Many pitchers were ordered and several memories were commiserated, along with several new ones created.  A great night to come together and shut down a bar in a group as was former college fashion.  Although, staying out all night was not the best preparation for tomorrow's activities.

Day 20: Bay 2 Breakers, the Free Spirit Symposium

The more official and objective definition of the Bay to Breakers foot race can be found here:

The actual definition: The largest gathering of people, drawn together for the sole purpose of having fun, with or without the aid of large costumes or clothing.

I was not quite prepared for the event known as Bay to Breakers. I heard stories of the crazy costumes or lack thereof, but the full demonstration of energy and power cannot be understood, until seen first hand. I think the point at which I was dancing in a rave atmosphere underneath a San Francisco underpass with a thousands of people, when I realized this party was a few levels above anything else I've experienced. There were people dancing on top of the Port-a-potty's. Nuff said.

Gaucho Locos reveling along with thousands of other San Francisco's best.

This race epitomized the heart of San Francisco and it is the reason why the City holds the title of 'Sanctuary of the Free Spirit'. (I just made that up, but it sounds about right doesn't it?) One should be pushed outside their normal comfort area and be able to observe and respect the free will and creativity of others. San Francisco takes this frame of mind to heart and has no problem announcing it to the world. Although it was a long day (thanks to the late night and pitchers), and a long walk (7.2 miles of party), it was a successful and eye opening experience. Definitely a check off on the Bucket List. Flights were missed, feet were sore, stomachs ached, but all in all, the Gauchos put together a strong showing at B2B. Ole! Ole! Ole! Gaucho! Gaucho!

And on the following Monday, Angeloco rest.  I am now reporting from the Central Valley bringing you all the hard hitting action.  Coming up, Fresno State graduation and celebration.   Stay tuned.

I want to thank all those who attended the festivities this past weekend with a special thank you to that Skirball girl we all know and love, Kristen Schiltz.  She put me up for the weekend, allowing me to crash and giving me full access to her sweet apartment in the City while she was busy studying for upcoming exams.  Thank you so much for giving the mini-Gaucho reunion a launching and landing pad.  Love ya.


"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. "

Thursday, May 14, 2009

To live in die in the bay... Days 14 - 16

Day 14

After waking up really early, around 10am, I started to round up all my gear, and latch it to my trusty steed, "RoNo" (Short for Rolling Nomad). The 100+ miles were a little chillier than expected, but I shouldn't have expected anything less traveling to the bay. Cold day for the Cold bay. I met my mom and Gramma at her home in San Jose, and before the day would end I would receive a small history lesson. My mom took this opportunity, while we had the family historian (Gramma), to show me various places throughout San Jose and give me a glimpse into my family's past. Lets take a stroll down la avenida del historia...

My Great-Grampa Navarro (My Mom's Mom's Dad) settled his family down on the corner of Whitton Ave and 31st Street. All funds for the initial down payment of $2000 and a remaining $2000 balance were earned through picking various crops of prunes, stringbeans, tomatoes or whatever other crop was available at the time. No family member was exempt from working, in the fields or in the home. The family pooled all funds and paid off the home within 6 months and THEN moved into the house, my grampa would have it no other way. Plenty of chivos (small goats) were eaten in the backyard (killed, skinned, hung, bled, cooked, then eaten) and several good families got their start at the humble beginnings at 1498 Whitton Ave. That is how my family came to settle in the Santa Clara Valley from the Mid-west, and why I am traveling throughout the bay this week.

Everyone got their start somewhere, where did you come from???....

Day 15: California Daze

Tuesday I hopped on my bike to get some personal City time for myself. I haven't been to SF since the 3 day music festival 'Outsidelands' in August of 2008, in which may or may not have been the wildest and most shagadelic days of my life. For more info on that, just throw in a Rodrigo y Gabriela CD and I'll yap your ear off about how AAAAwesome it was.

I started trekking thru Golden Gate Park, which contrary to popular opinion is 174acres larger than NY's Central park, and I made one turn and I found myself in a freaking tropical jungle. Its a interesting experience to be surrounded by beautiful and lush fauna, and furthermore surrounded by one of the largest metropolis in the world. I felt like I was inside biodome inside the deathstar. After my Pauly Shore/C3PO adventure, I found my bearings, put some Jimi Hendrix on the iPod, and headed over to the infamous Hippie Hill.

I picked some flowers for you

As I was walking over to the Hill, I was offered various forms of mild altering substances ranging from "Fresh Green Buds" to "Acid Hits". I was only solicted about 8 times, which is below average. Its usually at least 12, and I'm usually already 'OK'. I declined all offers this time around since I had to head back on the road on the bike, and I figure I'd give you a 'Fear and Loathing' entry, sometime in Europe.... disappointing I know, but stay tuned....

Hippie Hill was as interesting as ever, with various forms of Bums (Pirates, Bicyclist), Druggies, Hippies, Religious Shouters, and Drunks interacting and entertaining with antics and shenanigans. Quite amazing how entertaining juggling sticks, playing guitars, and/or just spinning in circles can be. I'm glad that there is still places in the world, where anything goes, and no one really cares. (Within very large reason of course.) And I would be sacreligous if I did not give a fair mention to the never ending drum circle, consisting of at least 10+ drums and people at any given time of any given day. After sitting next to my favorite tree on the Hill for about an hour, I felt it was time to round out my 60's flashback and head down to the Haight-Ashbury.

Nothing extremely notable about my visit to the Haight, but thats not to say it was enjoyable in the least. I find in fun and necessary to take a stroll up and down the old blocks, stop into Amoeba Music, and just take in all the sights and sounds of area which birth such new trends and societal changes. If you haven't been, put it on the to do list. It doesn't disappoint.

I received a quick call while heading back to the bike and made some quick dinner plans with Kristen, Kim, and Evan, all Gauchos Locos. We all met up at some Mexican Restaurant in San Mateo, CA, where they apparently have no noise level restrictions, because Kim said she's been there on more than one occasion. Two pitchers later (which we all concurred, were the smallest pitchers ever) and tales of old times at Cordoba parties, Cocktail soirees, and Highlighter gatherings were recounted. Good times. Kim was utterly impressed with the service.

Kim being 'totally f*cked on ice'. (She practically yelled that at the waiter, while he was still pouring her drink...) But thats why we love her.

Day 16
A day spent in the East Bay, in a wonderful world, where the vineyards are neverending, the fountains flow with wine, and the streets don't know crime--Welcome to Pleasanton, CA.

Kevin M. (of Santa Monica, CA fame) was visiting his new born niece in they bay, so I decided to swing out there and make my presence known. Jessie, Kevin's sister and 12 day brand new mom, was gracious enough to interrupt her baby schedule and allow me a visit with the newborn Rebecca. Something about new borns that bring a certain reverance and awe. (I think its the small finger nails.) It is completely obvious that I'm a rookie at baby handling, since I held Rebecca like she was a ball of unstable nitro-glycerin ready to blow. Kevin's a little better at it, but only like one level on Street Fighter better.

After baby awe-ing, a quick beer, 2 games of air hockey (in which I beat down Kevin with a combined score of 14-1, and I cut his finger), it was time to pick up the ultimate wine afficionato from the BART station, Bill 'Bota Bag' Manson. Kevin and I were thinking of heading to a sport bar to catch the bball playoff game, but once the cork was popped, there was no uncorking in sight. Kevin's dad, Bill, is a purveyor of the finest wines throughout California and the World. He gave me a quick tour of his extensive collection, and proceded to give me a crash course in wine selections and tastes, in addition to all the extensive relationships the different wineries have with one another throughout California. Learning about wine is effing awesome, especially when the professor is funny, informed, and heavy handed. If you need brush up on your wino skills in Northern Cal, give Bota Bag Bill a jingle and I'm sure he'll be obliged to give you a quick course.

Laying waste to the finest of collections

Onward to Monterey, CA in the morning and even further in the future, to the weekend, lies the wasteland known commonly as 'Bay to Breaker'. If you're in the Bay, and desire your greatest wishes to come true, give me a call, and I'll see what I can do for you.


"Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."

-Albert Einstein

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why Saturdays were invented...

Day 13: Sacramento Brewfest + Second Saturdays = Full Throttle Fun

After a quick workout with my brother at the local gym, it was time to start the Saturday Scandals. A quick ride out on the bikes was invigorating and the sun prepped me and Phil for some cold brews. We met my old college buddies, Nicole and Mike, at their small downtown cottage to get ready for the day. After a beer we started our hours of walking thru the beautiful city of Sacramento.

I know, the first thing you think of when Sacramento is mentioned is 'beautiful', but after traversing a couple large blocks, seeing the huge green trees, big empiristic buildings, and crossing some expansive rivers, you really get to see the natural appeal of a true walking city. As nice as the walk was, it was long, (Thank you NICOLE!!) at least the sun made it feel that way. No worries though, we were on our way to a beer fest, what better way to prepare.

Evander, Nichizzle, Mikesux, Walrus, De-bra, and DavidJo.

Upon arrival, the mini-Gaucho reunion commenced. Friends from all around Northern Cal. made the trek to imbibe and fraternize. Gauchos in attendance included myself, Mike + Nicole, former roommates Evan and Dave with the Fee Fie Foo Giant (De-bra), Lawrence "Big Guns" Booth, and Chris "Limp Knee" Huntsman. We made several toasts to life, love, and thankfulness (that Xtizzle was out of town). Jk. Beers with extra hops, extra wheat, and extra alcohol helped lube all of us old friends up, and old jokes and stories were being flung like jello in a food fight.

After hours of laughing, drinking, and awkward silences, the beerfest came to a close. But the party does not stop at 4:30pm. Not in Sacramento. Second Saturdays is a monthly event in which a large contingent of the Sacramento Arts, Music, and Food vendors put their best foot forward and the entire town livens up to enjoy the scene. A quick drive over a few blocks and I find myself landing in a cultural boom that I would only expect from such cities as San Francisco and Chicago. Even the street bums were culturally talented. Cue awesome Michael Jackson Bum. Hey! Hey! Hey! Eeeeeeeee!!!

To further my cultural adventures, Mike and Nicole took me to an exquisite Spanish restuarant, Tapa the World. My first excursion into Spanish cuisine was well taken. Granted I know Tapas will be different once I actually get to Spain, but I'm glad I have some sort of idea what to do before I get to Madrid. A bottle of Red and awesome finger foods fueled us to continue our journey.

After an hour or so more of stopping at Churches, Stores, and Boutiques (most equipped w/ kegs) to see artwork and music, the long-walkers mosied our way home. Nicole, Mike, and I ended the night in the quaint cottage and crashed hard after a long day. We lost Phil along the way, but he will have to tell you about the remainder of his night. Thats a whole different entry.

Angeloco and Nichizzle taking down additional brews at the local pub.

A great day in Sacramento with great friends and great memories.

I want to extend a very Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms. My mom especially! Tropical Storm Coodee. If you don't know her, you should just hear some of the stories!! She has more wild and crazy stories before her 20th b-day, than most people have before they're dead. I can only hope to be half the adventurer she is. Love you Ma!


"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes - the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing that you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things."
- Jack Kerouac

Friday, May 8, 2009


Day 9-11

Less than 20 days before take off.

My arrival in Sacramento was warm and very welcomed. The ride thru the remainder of the Central Valley included the world famous cities of:

  • Firebaugh

  • Madera

  • Merced

  • Turlock

  • Modesto

  • Stockton

  • and Lodi

and if you've never heard of at least 3 of these places you need to look at an atlas more often. I mean, they have the best truckstops west of the Sierra Nevadas.

I arrived at my good friend Josh's home in the quaint town of Roseville, CA approx. 20 miles east of Sacramento, CA on the I-80. He gave me a welcomed hug and handed me a beer. Ice cold, and much appreciated. After taking down a couple on Josh's porch that looked straight out of a Twain novel, my old college roommate DavidJo and megaphone mouthed friend Xtizzle (Christina for short) met me for some dinner. It was good to catch up on old times and see how Xtizzle's wedding plans are coming along.

Manishevits, DavidJo, Angeloco, and Xtizzle (the bride to be)

I won't be able to attend the wedding, so I won't be able to object to the union of Christina and Lawrence, saving him from a life of hearing aids and sign language. And you know I would be all over that garter. You chumps would not have a chance!!! Just kidding. In all seriousness, I wish my two friends the best of marriages, an everlasting friendship, and a growing love.

Day 12

Today, I met my brother Phil(MyAZ) at his home in Lincoln, CA. After a quick ride to Peryn, CA to pick up his smoking and shaking rig of a bike, we headed down to Mid-town Sacramento to grab a bite and a beer. Ripping thru traffic along-side my brother is an adrenaline rush to say the least. Rolling hard and fast thru Sacramento gridlock is much more fun when you have someone to do it with.

Rolling hard thru the Sacremento Green Valleys.

Dinner was spent together with lots of family. My Aunt Betty, Uncle Jaime, along with their whole crews all converged on an innocent pizza shop in Shingle Springs, CA. But most importantly to note in attendance was my Grama Margie. All who know her, have an idea where I get my voyaging spirit. She has been on the move since her and the rest of my great/grand family moved from the Kansas midwest to California. No one has been able to settle her down in 80 years and I dont' see it happening anytime soon. I appreciate and love my Grama immensely and I am glad that I was able to find her before I take off on my own adventure. I think I will see her again before I leave for Espana, but its always important to give appreciation and take advice for those have accomplished much, and have seen even more.

Tonight, I rest up and tend to my Sunburned face and arms for a big day in Downtown Sacramento to meet up with Evan, Chris, Lawrence, Nicole, Mike, and more for a day drinking session at the Sacramento Beerfest, Gaucho Style. If your around and down, you know who to call.

I wanna extend a true thank you to Josh, who has been a fabulous host for the past 3 days feeding me teriyaki carpet chicken bowls, keeping a fridge with cold brews, babysitting me, and having a puffy nice couch ready for this surfer. Raise a beer to Manishevits when you get a chance. Le chaim.

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing" - Helen Keller

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Central Valley Ho!!.... (Days 7 &8)

Day 7

Angelo 4,672 - Bugs 0

After a quick call I found Justin was busy in Fresno, CA with Master's Final Exam, So I made an executive decision to alter my course by 45 miles to Shaver Lake, CA nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains just East of Fresno, to meet up with my old friend Bobby. (Yes the same, dreamy high school Quarterback.)

While riding on the bike I got to see a very vivid and vibrant picture of the Central Valley of California. I saw cows being milked, fields being picked, and orchards growing. The smells ranged from gold yellow lemons to fresh manure. It was truly a reminder of what this part of the country really is, the breadbasket of America. Also, very Grapes of Wrath-like. Like a crash course into agricultural history.

After a magnificent ride thru the Sierra Nevada foothills, I enjoyed a double dose of Satisfaction. The Lakers dropping the first game, in what looks to be a long play-off series, and Bobby sobbing. I had to cheer him up after the beating, so we watched a few old Star Trek episodes, shaved our eyebrows, and talked like Leonard Nimoy. If you haven't done it, you should give it a try, everyone deserves a good Star Trek night.

Bobby, at Shaver Lake, pondering how string theory can help explain the discrepancies in the upcoming Star Trek film and the Series.

Day 8

After snapping a few quality pics at Shaver Lake Bobby and I made our way back into the San Joaquin Valley. The ride was as equally awesome as yesterday's ride up the hill . I found Justin at home relieved to be done with the first of many Master's Finals and ready for a relaxing dinner. Anyone who says marketing is overrated, needs to talk to the Spin Doctors at Applebees, because they reeled us in like a rainbow trout with a heroin-like addiction to Power Bait.

Justin, Beth, Bobby, and I had some good laughs while 'eating good in the neighborhood' and now I'm back to the Navarro tree house (Justin and Beth's home). Resting up and catching a few Howard Stern episodes is tonight's agenda to get ready for the ride into Sacramento tomorrow. Find me tomorrow at the home of the Aggies and the Rivercats. Like always, drop me a line if you're in town (I know, Xtizzle, I owe you a call) See you there.


"Live Long and Prosper" -Spock

Rolling on down the hill.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is an Open Road Song....

Day 6.

Pyramid Lake between Los Angeles and Bakersfield, CA.

Leaving Santa Monica, CA after a rugged night of club conquering was a little rough. A quick breakfast at IHOP to soak up some of the night juices and I was on my way. I was expecting rain over the Grapevine, but apparently the weatherman does not get paid as much as the Windmill placement guy. Or at least he shouldn't be. Great weather accompanied me over the pass, with only a couple stretches of wind giving me some trouble along the way. Before I hit the Grapevine I came alongside the second happiest place on Earth. Magic Mountain.

Now, We will take a small recap of the last time I challenged the many coasters at Magic Mountain.

November, 2006. A small band of friends meet to face the most menacing of coasters. People from throughout the Southwest with one objective in mind. To see Sean Fannan hurl. That's what I wanted to see at least. (Not that I haven't seen it before, I think its the projectiles that make is so entertaining.) It was such a great time to have friends from just about everytime period of my life together on one day participating in one great goal. I had Justin, Bobby, and Beth from the old Buchanan Days (Go Bears!), The Green Gauchos Alumni Club, Casa Cordoba, and My AZ crew representing the ways of the Desert Rat. It was quite the spiritual experience. Although, we did not accomplish our goal, Sean did beg for Goliath to stop like a little girl several times. I think he complained of too many G forces or something. I don't remember. I was too busy laughing in his face before I blacked out. If anyone has that group pic (KOJI: I'm sure your have it somewhere) you should post it for old time sake.

Back to the road.....

I arrived in Bakersfield, CA to an over-jubilant Mom, Tropical Storm Coodee, smothering me with hugs before I could swing my leg off my bike. Bakersfield, CA always holds a special place for me since some of my fondest family memories are connected here.

Memories include but are not limited too:
  1. Standing in an Ice Cooler Contests
  2. Legend of Zelda/Bases Loaded II Marathons
  3. Firework Jumping Exhibitions
  4. Foot-Tire Run Over Competitions
  5. Belly Bar-b-Queing
  6. Carne Asada Throwing Relay

No family knows how to make you feel right at home, fill you up with Carne Asada and Bud Light, and make you laugh until your ears hurt like the Ornelaz. The stories often go late into the night, and only stop because your stomach is cramping from laughing. If you don't have a place where you are loved from the second you arrive and full when you leave, just stop by. I'll give you directions and you'll never want to leave.

Mark and Mike tending Que like the masters they are.

In addition to all the fun times, I've learned much of what it means to be family from the Ornelaz. I want to thank my Aunt Mary (Maruca) and Uncle John (Tranquilo) and to all my cousins for always being there with huge hearts and bigger smiles. Love runs through their veins and it is apparent in every relationship they have and felt everytime you walk through their door. They've sent me off in true Bakerfieldian style with a backyard BBQ and with full expectations of my return, with stories to tell.

Next Stop: Fresno/Clovis, CA. Home to the 2001 Central Valley Football Champions who went wire to wire with only one loss to some poh-dunk De La Salle team...... Buchanan Bears!! (I got to give some props to my alma mater.) As always, drop me a line so we can get together to make some more memories and add another verse to this Road Song...


"You're on my FOOT!!" -Angelo A. Austin

To a proud new Drunkcle

My last night in Santa Monica, CA was filled with Dancing, Drinks, and Dodgeball. After some sushi and sake, Kevin and I hopped into a cab and headed out to Venice Beach to patronize a swank club, Nikki's. High priced drinks, and low priced napkins. We met up with another of my best good friends, Erin Prude, who just so happened to take my advice and call me if she was in the area. She spontaneously decided to drive out from AZ to Santa Monica on a wimb with her roommate to run a 10k. In reality I think that she just missed me so much, she couldn't resist coming to Cali and hanging out with me.

The Prude, The Uncle, The Roommate (Kara), and Angeloco.

On the way to the club, a more important event occurred. Kevin, who had been anxiously waiting by his phone like a sixteen year old girl with a crush on the Varsity Quarterback (We'll call him Bobby), finally received the call that his brand new neice had finally decided to leave her momma's belly. Rebecca Grace P. ( I don't know the last name, but the first two are really cute) was born late Saturday night, making Kevin the newest and proudest Drunkcle in the Western Hemisphere. If you feel so incline, shoot him a text or call him up and tell him to buy you a drink in honor of his new Uncle-hood. Thats only proper.

Dancing and Drinking ensued and plenty of toast were raised in honor of Kev's new niece. Subsequently, I had to teach the citizens of Venice Beach, CA some awesome Panda dance moves Gabe taught me a few weeks ago. I tried these moves on several Venitians but none would have it. Which made me a Very Sad Panda. A good night of dancing was followed by an awesome spread cooked up by Chef BoyarManson, as is fairly common when we get home from the bars. Macoroni and Corn, for that late nite craving. A good nite over all and a time well spent in So. Cal.

I wanna thank Kevin for his supreme hospitality and esquisite taste in Los Angeles cuisine. (I ate at 5-6 different styles of food in 2 days.) I think I could start another blog just on the different places I've eaten in the past week, and maybe I will. He has put me up on several occasions and always shows me a great time. Thanks Tio Kevin.

Kevin showing off his Bay Cities Deli Sandwich, The Godmother. Stiles Stilinski Shades are not included with the purchase of aforementioned sanchwich.

Now, its onward to Bakersfield, home to Buck Owens (R.I.P.), the Crystal Palace, and never ending bar-b-que. As always, let me know if you're in the area, and you too can join the adventure!!


p.s. : I didn't do any dodgeballing, but I bet you didn't notice....

"What?! Do you wanna live forever?!" - Some guy, telling some other guy, to do something that will probably get him killed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Los Angeles: Food and Movies

Day 5 on the Road. Los Angeles weather isn't fully agreeing with me. I hope for upper eighties and barely break 65*. Not quite swim suit weather especially with the lovely West winds blowing all the bikini clad girls off the beach. Those dairy farmers are full of it... All about Happy cows and sun and all that BS. Tomorrow's forecast... Rain... Perfect... Nothing like the Grapevine and rain to perk up a 2 hour ride.

Did I mention the house started shaking for no reason at 5 o'clock or so?!?! 4.4 Magnitude Earthquake. Not bad for a Friday. Effing A. I've grown accustomed to my two season State (Hot and Oven Hot) and stable ground.

I check the weather back in PHX and see 80's and 90's and all the ground is solid.
Typical. Bollocks.

Not everything has been dreary here in LA though. My time here in Santa Monica, CA has been full of eclectic cuisine and bourgeois movies. Kevin and I went on a Bro-date last night to a Vietnamese Pho joint. As you can see, it had rice noodles, rare beef, well done beef, been sprouts, cabbage type stuff, and a most delicious broth. Barefoot Contessa ain't got nothing on this place. There's something nice about a big city with the thousands of little hole in the wall eateries. I mean, I won't be asking for their Health Report because I've watched Kitchen Nightmares, but it was quite delectable.

After our delicious noodle rendezvous we met up with Kevin's roommate Drew and elected to watch an Oscar winning movie called "Tiptoes" with Matthew McConnehay of "Ghost of Girlfriends Past" fame and Kate Beckinsale, the queen of vampires and lyceums. If you haven't heard of this movie, you need to procure some of you best delicious edibles or crack a thirty pack and rent it/download it. This movie is right up there in the ranks of "The Core" starring Dj Qualls. Its very rare when you can make an 85minute movie seem to last 5 and a half hours. I give this movie 4 balls mouth.

Tonite shows some promise on a successful outings. Sushi, Sake, and Playoffs?.... Playoffs?!? (Jim Mora voice). I hope see you next time kids, same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.

"Live as if you'll die tomorrow, Learn as if you'll live forever." -Ghandi