Sunday, May 3, 2009

This is an Open Road Song....

Day 6.

Pyramid Lake between Los Angeles and Bakersfield, CA.

Leaving Santa Monica, CA after a rugged night of club conquering was a little rough. A quick breakfast at IHOP to soak up some of the night juices and I was on my way. I was expecting rain over the Grapevine, but apparently the weatherman does not get paid as much as the Windmill placement guy. Or at least he shouldn't be. Great weather accompanied me over the pass, with only a couple stretches of wind giving me some trouble along the way. Before I hit the Grapevine I came alongside the second happiest place on Earth. Magic Mountain.

Now, We will take a small recap of the last time I challenged the many coasters at Magic Mountain.

November, 2006. A small band of friends meet to face the most menacing of coasters. People from throughout the Southwest with one objective in mind. To see Sean Fannan hurl. That's what I wanted to see at least. (Not that I haven't seen it before, I think its the projectiles that make is so entertaining.) It was such a great time to have friends from just about everytime period of my life together on one day participating in one great goal. I had Justin, Bobby, and Beth from the old Buchanan Days (Go Bears!), The Green Gauchos Alumni Club, Casa Cordoba, and My AZ crew representing the ways of the Desert Rat. It was quite the spiritual experience. Although, we did not accomplish our goal, Sean did beg for Goliath to stop like a little girl several times. I think he complained of too many G forces or something. I don't remember. I was too busy laughing in his face before I blacked out. If anyone has that group pic (KOJI: I'm sure your have it somewhere) you should post it for old time sake.

Back to the road.....

I arrived in Bakersfield, CA to an over-jubilant Mom, Tropical Storm Coodee, smothering me with hugs before I could swing my leg off my bike. Bakersfield, CA always holds a special place for me since some of my fondest family memories are connected here.

Memories include but are not limited too:
  1. Standing in an Ice Cooler Contests
  2. Legend of Zelda/Bases Loaded II Marathons
  3. Firework Jumping Exhibitions
  4. Foot-Tire Run Over Competitions
  5. Belly Bar-b-Queing
  6. Carne Asada Throwing Relay

No family knows how to make you feel right at home, fill you up with Carne Asada and Bud Light, and make you laugh until your ears hurt like the Ornelaz. The stories often go late into the night, and only stop because your stomach is cramping from laughing. If you don't have a place where you are loved from the second you arrive and full when you leave, just stop by. I'll give you directions and you'll never want to leave.

Mark and Mike tending Que like the masters they are.

In addition to all the fun times, I've learned much of what it means to be family from the Ornelaz. I want to thank my Aunt Mary (Maruca) and Uncle John (Tranquilo) and to all my cousins for always being there with huge hearts and bigger smiles. Love runs through their veins and it is apparent in every relationship they have and felt everytime you walk through their door. They've sent me off in true Bakerfieldian style with a backyard BBQ and with full expectations of my return, with stories to tell.

Next Stop: Fresno/Clovis, CA. Home to the 2001 Central Valley Football Champions who went wire to wire with only one loss to some poh-dunk De La Salle team...... Buchanan Bears!! (I got to give some props to my alma mater.) As always, drop me a line so we can get together to make some more memories and add another verse to this Road Song...


"You're on my FOOT!!" -Angelo A. Austin


Anonymous said...

BK is beyond great and the Asada is awesome! Sounds like your having fun!

Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

Rey de Rey is on his way otra vez...catchem if you can...ahua!!