Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why Saturdays were invented...

Day 13: Sacramento Brewfest + Second Saturdays = Full Throttle Fun

After a quick workout with my brother at the local gym, it was time to start the Saturday Scandals. A quick ride out on the bikes was invigorating and the sun prepped me and Phil for some cold brews. We met my old college buddies, Nicole and Mike, at their small downtown cottage to get ready for the day. After a beer we started our hours of walking thru the beautiful city of Sacramento.

I know, the first thing you think of when Sacramento is mentioned is 'beautiful', but after traversing a couple large blocks, seeing the huge green trees, big empiristic buildings, and crossing some expansive rivers, you really get to see the natural appeal of a true walking city. As nice as the walk was, it was long, (Thank you NICOLE!!) at least the sun made it feel that way. No worries though, we were on our way to a beer fest, what better way to prepare.

Evander, Nichizzle, Mikesux, Walrus, De-bra, and DavidJo.

Upon arrival, the mini-Gaucho reunion commenced. Friends from all around Northern Cal. made the trek to imbibe and fraternize. Gauchos in attendance included myself, Mike + Nicole, former roommates Evan and Dave with the Fee Fie Foo Giant (De-bra), Lawrence "Big Guns" Booth, and Chris "Limp Knee" Huntsman. We made several toasts to life, love, and thankfulness (that Xtizzle was out of town). Jk. Beers with extra hops, extra wheat, and extra alcohol helped lube all of us old friends up, and old jokes and stories were being flung like jello in a food fight.

After hours of laughing, drinking, and awkward silences, the beerfest came to a close. But the party does not stop at 4:30pm. Not in Sacramento. Second Saturdays is a monthly event in which a large contingent of the Sacramento Arts, Music, and Food vendors put their best foot forward and the entire town livens up to enjoy the scene. A quick drive over a few blocks and I find myself landing in a cultural boom that I would only expect from such cities as San Francisco and Chicago. Even the street bums were culturally talented. Cue awesome Michael Jackson Bum. Hey! Hey! Hey! Eeeeeeeee!!!

To further my cultural adventures, Mike and Nicole took me to an exquisite Spanish restuarant, Tapa the World. My first excursion into Spanish cuisine was well taken. Granted I know Tapas will be different once I actually get to Spain, but I'm glad I have some sort of idea what to do before I get to Madrid. A bottle of Red and awesome finger foods fueled us to continue our journey.

After an hour or so more of stopping at Churches, Stores, and Boutiques (most equipped w/ kegs) to see artwork and music, the long-walkers mosied our way home. Nicole, Mike, and I ended the night in the quaint cottage and crashed hard after a long day. We lost Phil along the way, but he will have to tell you about the remainder of his night. Thats a whole different entry.

Angeloco and Nichizzle taking down additional brews at the local pub.

A great day in Sacramento with great friends and great memories.

I want to extend a very Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms. My mom especially! Tropical Storm Coodee. If you don't know her, you should just hear some of the stories!! She has more wild and crazy stories before her 20th b-day, than most people have before they're dead. I can only hope to be half the adventurer she is. Love you Ma!


"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes - the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing that you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things."
- Jack Kerouac


Anonymous said...

Defiantly a fun group... and what sound to be great times! Only wish I could've been in attendance.

Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

Go on 'n do da right thang on yo journey, mijo....remember to jus keep on keepin' on!!!Hasta siempre, love, MOMMEE