Sunday, May 24, 2009

Graduation.... And off the continent...

Week of 20-26 (Graduation Week) & Day 27

(Sorry no pics, my computer is on the blink and I need to invest in a power converter)

Graduation week went by like a blur. Justin's long awaited Master's Degree conveyed to him through rigorous reading and tortuous writings is well deserved. I realized that someone with a master's degree is definately immersed in their discipline. There is no real way to fool your committee into accidently giving you a master's. Also, if you want to go into a deep conversation surrounding the public voice found by outlying public groups and how they use that voice to impact change in the public sphere, by all means, call Justin (559)2*7-65*9. Once the degree was officially his, the party officially commenced. A week full of celebrations surrounded by family and friends, as all life milestones should be.

After continuous commencement celebrations, it was time to head out of Fresno, CA and move on to San Francisco, CA just for the night. Justin & Beth sent me off in true style. (And with one of the coolest plane pillows ever, and it totally worked, i'd be even more dead without it right now, Thanks Beth) Walking around Union Square and hitting a couple shops for that last American sentiments. We grabbed some sushi with Jacob and Christa and then it was time to savor the last of the SF nitelife. The Gold Dust drinking hole is located just across the street from Union Square and it has boot kicking ditties playing all nite long. Koji along with his crew of crazy asian compratriots joined us along with Evan and Ed. Gather more than 4 gauchos in a room and tornado sirens start going off. Jameson and Guiness were the orders of the nite due to some friendly Irish we met, coincidence. We shut down/Eiki got booted out, at around 2. A few more good byes and it was off to the airport. Jacob dropped me off approx. at 4am and off to Dublin I went.

A 4 hour layover in Frankfurt,Germany turned into a 6 hour layover due to delays, which didn't help my headache from lack of good sleep and excess of firewater. Another quick jaunt over the channel and I find myself put up in Dublin, Ireland. Which is where I am talking to you today.

Tomorrow lies Guiness factory tours and various other Emerald Isle excursions.
If your on this side of the Channel and you want to see how the Mexi-American do it in Ireland...give me a call... I'll be around...

This concludes 'The California Chronicles'.


"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." -Lao Tzu

P.S.: If you would like a cool post card, or something of that sort, email me your address and I'll see what I can do?!?!

1 comment:

Cruz Gutierrez-Austin said...

So great to read about your journey along your loco camino...we miss you...reina is almost in cali again...:) u mijo, MOMMEE