Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I found my friends, in San Francisco....

RoNo standing in front San Luis Reservoir, located en route from the San Jose to Fresno via State Route 152, Pecheco Pass.  Grey skies and gusty winds accompanied me for the majority of my crossing from the Bay Area to the Central Valley.

The following is a recount of the past weekend, Thursday 14, 2009- Sunday 17, 2009. One to be remembered in infamy. Enjoy.

Day 17

A beautiful Thursday afternoon greeted my Mom, Gramma, and I as we ventured West to Monterey, CA for a great day at the beach. We took in the perfect sea breeze and truly enjoyed the vibrant and green beach which lines the Monterey Bay. After the best bowl of Clam Chowder west of Boston, MA we called it a day and headed back into San Jose, CA. I'm glad I got a California beach day in before jetting off as I will miss the Pacific a lot. I'll let you know how the Mediterranean treats me.

Day 18

A quick Caltrain ride, and I was my San Francisco weekend was underway. I arrived closed to union square to enjoy some of
the energized vibe from the hustling city. After spending about an hour taking in the sights and sounds of 'civilization' at its finest, I received a phone call from my friend Emily, more commonly known as Punk Rawk, to meet up at a bar in the SOMA district. We met on a street corner and take a small stroll into the bar, and step into a world stopped in time. Dozens of motorcycles circa 1940's and earlier hung from the ceiling and were attached to every inch of wall space. A two man piano/sax band were drumming up old time ditties which filled the air in backrooms and speakeasy's during the Prohibition giving Eddie Rickenbacker's a great cultural vibe which is so iconic of the City.

A few beers and we moved onto a free show at The Barrel House, that along with a great art studio/concert venue atmosphere, also gave out free beer (I know, it sounds like a small paradise). Koji, my 4 year Gaucho Roommate and Japanese liaison, graced us with a his presence and we jammed out to the experimental instrumental band offering up the free tunes. After taking advantage of the hospitality of the free venue, Emily, Koji, and I made a quick stop to the Mission District for some of the best burritos in San Francisco County. (And the best five finger discount nachos..) All together a great night of filled with music, arts, and good friends. Best of all, the entertainment was conducive to the budgeted traveler. Hoo Rah.

Day 19: Gauchos! Unite!

Every half year or so, a certain binding force brings together approx. 10-15 of my closest friends from my time at UCSB.  This was definitely an impromptu reunion, but several of us make it a priority and shifted schedules, and travel vast distances to come together and enjoy one another's company.  It is one of the best parts about being in my group of college friends and I would like to thank everyone who came out on short notice, and for those that couldn't make it, rest assured you were still laughed at and made fun of.

(Crocodile Hunter voice) Notice how the elusive Gaucho Loco is drawn to the bars with the widest variety of lagers and ales, and the cheapest tabs.  Pictured: EScud, Evander, Kojina, Druncle, Kuhnster, Kim's Mouth, Kim, Xtizzle, Nichizzle, Punk R., and MikeSux

The reunion culminated on the porch of the biker chic patio bar, 'Zeitgeist'.  The outdoor area was packed full of people searching for bench seats and table space.  At one point, every leather clad biker and hipster chic girl was staring at our group thanks to the screaming entrance made by Kim and Christina.  If the eardrum piercing screams didn't grab your ear's attention, Kim's red/pink cabbage-patch dress was loud enough to grab your eyes attention, and make them bleed.  Many pitchers were ordered and several memories were commiserated, along with several new ones created.  A great night to come together and shut down a bar in a group as was former college fashion.  Although, staying out all night was not the best preparation for tomorrow's activities.

Day 20: Bay 2 Breakers, the Free Spirit Symposium

The more official and objective definition of the Bay to Breakers foot race can be found here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_to_Breakers

The actual definition: The largest gathering of people, drawn together for the sole purpose of having fun, with or without the aid of large costumes or clothing.

I was not quite prepared for the event known as Bay to Breakers. I heard stories of the crazy costumes or lack thereof, but the full demonstration of energy and power cannot be understood, until seen first hand. I think the point at which I was dancing in a rave atmosphere underneath a San Francisco underpass with a thousands of people, when I realized this party was a few levels above anything else I've experienced. There were people dancing on top of the Port-a-potty's. Nuff said.

Gaucho Locos reveling along with thousands of other San Francisco's best.

This race epitomized the heart of San Francisco and it is the reason why the City holds the title of 'Sanctuary of the Free Spirit'. (I just made that up, but it sounds about right doesn't it?) One should be pushed outside their normal comfort area and be able to observe and respect the free will and creativity of others. San Francisco takes this frame of mind to heart and has no problem announcing it to the world. Although it was a long day (thanks to the late night and pitchers), and a long walk (7.2 miles of party), it was a successful and eye opening experience. Definitely a check off on the Bucket List. Flights were missed, feet were sore, stomachs ached, but all in all, the Gauchos put together a strong showing at B2B. Ole! Ole! Ole! Gaucho! Gaucho!

And on the following Monday, Angeloco rest.  I am now reporting from the Central Valley bringing you all the hard hitting action.  Coming up, Fresno State graduation and celebration.   Stay tuned.

I want to thank all those who attended the festivities this past weekend with a special thank you to that Skirball girl we all know and love, Kristen Schiltz.  She put me up for the weekend, allowing me to crash and giving me full access to her sweet apartment in the City while she was busy studying for upcoming exams.  Thank you so much for giving the mini-Gaucho reunion a launching and landing pad.  Love ya.


"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the best updates yet... I still can't believe I missed B2B!