Sunday, May 3, 2009

To a proud new Drunkcle

My last night in Santa Monica, CA was filled with Dancing, Drinks, and Dodgeball. After some sushi and sake, Kevin and I hopped into a cab and headed out to Venice Beach to patronize a swank club, Nikki's. High priced drinks, and low priced napkins. We met up with another of my best good friends, Erin Prude, who just so happened to take my advice and call me if she was in the area. She spontaneously decided to drive out from AZ to Santa Monica on a wimb with her roommate to run a 10k. In reality I think that she just missed me so much, she couldn't resist coming to Cali and hanging out with me.

The Prude, The Uncle, The Roommate (Kara), and Angeloco.

On the way to the club, a more important event occurred. Kevin, who had been anxiously waiting by his phone like a sixteen year old girl with a crush on the Varsity Quarterback (We'll call him Bobby), finally received the call that his brand new neice had finally decided to leave her momma's belly. Rebecca Grace P. ( I don't know the last name, but the first two are really cute) was born late Saturday night, making Kevin the newest and proudest Drunkcle in the Western Hemisphere. If you feel so incline, shoot him a text or call him up and tell him to buy you a drink in honor of his new Uncle-hood. Thats only proper.

Dancing and Drinking ensued and plenty of toast were raised in honor of Kev's new niece. Subsequently, I had to teach the citizens of Venice Beach, CA some awesome Panda dance moves Gabe taught me a few weeks ago. I tried these moves on several Venitians but none would have it. Which made me a Very Sad Panda. A good night of dancing was followed by an awesome spread cooked up by Chef BoyarManson, as is fairly common when we get home from the bars. Macoroni and Corn, for that late nite craving. A good nite over all and a time well spent in So. Cal.

I wanna thank Kevin for his supreme hospitality and esquisite taste in Los Angeles cuisine. (I ate at 5-6 different styles of food in 2 days.) I think I could start another blog just on the different places I've eaten in the past week, and maybe I will. He has put me up on several occasions and always shows me a great time. Thanks Tio Kevin.

Kevin showing off his Bay Cities Deli Sandwich, The Godmother. Stiles Stilinski Shades are not included with the purchase of aforementioned sanchwich.

Now, its onward to Bakersfield, home to Buck Owens (R.I.P.), the Crystal Palace, and never ending bar-b-que. As always, let me know if you're in the area, and you too can join the adventure!!


p.s. : I didn't do any dodgeballing, but I bet you didn't notice....

"What?! Do you wanna live forever?!" - Some guy, telling some other guy, to do something that will probably get him killed.


Gabe said...

Maybe you were not panda-ing hard enough. -gabe

Unknown said...

Bobby is SOOOOO DREAMY!!!!!haha i agree w kevin!